Internet Download Manager 6.12 Build 22 Final Full

IDM CORPORATION dah rillis lagi sob, NYAMPE PENING ni SOFTWARE UPDATE MULU , IDM 6.12  BUILD 22 TERBARU atau dengan nama lengkap INTERNET DOWNLAD MANAGER 6.12 BUILD 22 TERBARU FULL, . software satu ini sangat membantu dalam hal download mendownload.. dengan kecepatan yang cepat.. sehingga benyak peminat yang mendownload software ini.. nah buat sobat yang pengen mencoba versi terbaru INTERNET DOWNLOAD MANAGER ini.. silahkan Silahkan langsung Download aja.

 Langkah AKtivasi
  1. Install IDM, lalu Kalo keluar Minta SERIAL NUMBER, DI EXIT
  3. Lalu Klik PATCH, isikan nama secara 2 kali, terserah sobat
  4. Enjoy.. full version
Klik Lin dibawah ini Untuk Download:
Oke sob selamat mencoba semoga berguna dan bisa membantu sobat semua,,Wasalam.


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Link Download:
Cara Instal:
  • Extract File RAR yang telah Sobat Download.
  • Buka Folder hasil Extract tersebut dan jalanakan File WebCamMax.exe.
  • Install WebcamMax Sampai Proses Selesai.
  • Exit atau Tutup Program Untuk melakukan Aktivasi.
  • Copy File patch.exe yang berada didalam Folder Activation dan Taruh atau Paste Ke Folder instalasi yang terletak Di C:\Program Files\WebcamMax.
  • Jalankan Patch.exe (Run administrator for Win7) dan Klik Tombol Patch.
  • Sementara Matikan Koneksi internet untuk Melakukan Aktivasi.
  • Jalankan WebcamMax Lewat Desktop lakukan setting sesuai yang diinginkan, setelah selesai lalu close WebcamMax nya, dan buka kembali maka akan keluar tombol register
  • Pilih Enter SN, Masukan saja sembarang ANGKA (EX: 123456789).
  • Setelah itu akan ada peringatan connetion error, Silahkan Sobat Klik MANUAL.
  • Copy Machine data yang tampil.
  • Jalankan Keygen.exe lalu paste Machine data ke kolom CODE, lalu klik Generate.
  • Kemudian Copy Unlock code Yang Diperoleh.
  • Lakukan Registrasi WebcamMax dan Gunakan Unlock code Tersebut.
Have Fun and Good Luck.

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Bagi agan yg mempunyai keterbatasan Memory / RAM di Computernya, aplikasi ini sangat cocok untuk dipake, apalagi saat ini perkembangan Aplikasi Internet Browser sangat lah cepat, contohnya seperti Browser Firefox dan Chrome, hanya dalam beberapa bulan saja sudah merilis versi terbaru, dan tentu pula konsumsi memory nya jg akan meningkat, hal inilah yang membuat beberapa pengguna malas menggunakan Browser Terbaru dikarenakan konsumsi memory yang semakain meningkat ditambah memroy / RAM yang mereka miliki kecil.

Dengan adanya aplikasi ini, agan ngk usah takut lagi kehabisan memory saat mencoba versi terbaru dari browser-browser diatas, aplikasi ini yang akan mengoptmalkan penggunaan memory browser komputer agan, Browser seperti Chrome, Firefox, Palemoon, Opera, Safari dan Internet Explorer. Selama aplikasi ini masih aktif browser-browser tersebut akan terus di optimalkan untuk mencegah pemakain memory yg berlebihan dan mencegah bocor nya memory yang digunakan. dengan begitu komputer tidak akan kehabisan memory lagi hanya karena browser yang menggunakan memory terlalu besar.

Screen Shot

Google Chrome
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Oke deh buat sobat yang mau coba aplikasi ini silahkan download dibawah ini,

INFO: Terima Kasih telah Telah berkunjung Ke blog saya yang sederhana ini. Sudi kiranya Sobat semua untuk berkomentar pada setiap artikel saya ini.Jangan Lupa like nya ya sob Dan beritahu saya jika ada link yang error atau sobat mengalami kesulitan dalam mendownload File dari Blog Saya ini.

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Cara menggunakan DnsJumper :

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  8. Klik Apply DNS
 Lihat gambar berikut :
Dan untuk situs yang diblokir, apabila belum bisa dibukan oleh DNS yang sobat pilih, Silahkan ganti kembali DNS nya Sampai menemukan DNS yang bisa membuka situs tersebut, kalau saya selalu pake yang COMODO. Segitu aja deh semoga berguna n bisa membantu sobat semua. TQ

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 Hai Sob, Sedikit share ne moga aja masih wrok ya, ane nemu trik dari blog tetangga tentang trik kartu AS, Ane juga ga tau masih wrok atau ga, silahkan sobat tes ya moga aja masih Bisa, Ok langsung aja cara nya seperti dibawah.

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Ole sob segitu aja semoga berhasil ya dan kalau ga berhasil berarti udah ditutup BUG nya.

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Download Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Dan 64 Bit Gratis - Sistem Operasi Windows memang populer dari dulu sampai sekarang, perkembangan versi windows dari jaman 60-an sampai sekarang terus berkembang. Para pencinta windows selalu menunggu versi windows yang terbaru. Windows 7 sebetulnya sudah dirilis sejak tahun 2009, namun ketenaran windows ini sangatlah tinggi. Banyak fitur yang terdapat pada Windows 7, sebelumnya ada Windows Vista yang katanya produk gagal dari Windows, memang kalau dirasakan Windows Vista memang banyak memiliki kekurangan, sehingga dirilislah Windows 7.
Windows 7 memiliki beberapa versi, ada yang paling sederhana yaitu Windows 7 Basic, kemudian Home Premium, Professinal, Entreprise, dan yang terakhir Ultimate. Untuk lebih jelasnya anda bisa melihatnya di situs resmi Microsoft. Tapi intinya Windows 7 Ultimate lah yang merupakan produk windows 7 yang terlengkap, namun sebetulnya kita sudah bisa mendapatkan kepuasan dengan memiliki Windows 7 Professional. Seperti biasanya Windows 7 juga ada yang 32 dan 64 bit, masih bingung dengan perbedaan 32 dan 64 bit? Jika masih bingung coba cari tahu di Google.

OK, langsung saja saya ingin berbagi direct link windows 7 Ultimate. Anda bisa langsung mendownloadnya dan juga bisa di-resume jadi jangan khawatir nanti terputus di tengah jalan. Oh ya jangan lupa, kalau bisa anda mendownloadnya dengan kecepatan internet anda dia atas 300kb/s agar tidak terlalu lama menunggunya.


Untuk cara downloadnya Anda akan diarahkan ke kemudian tunggu 5 - 6 detik dan cari tombol SKIP yang berada di sebelah kanan atas monitor anda. 

Crash Team Racing

Welcome to the crazy world of crash team racing! With its psychotic tracks, weapons and characters, you’re setting yourself up for several hours of fun filled madness! Other than the adventure mode, you can also play the arcade, versus and my personal favorite, the battle mode where you’re put in an arena full of weapons.Crash Team Racing
This mode also has a team battle option allowing for all sorts of diferent matchups. The game manages to maintain its cartoonish appeal while not shoving it down your throat at the same time. With its excellent sound effects and music, I’m pretty sure the game has created several fans of mascot racing games!Crash Team Racing

Screen Shots

Double Click freesoftwarepc.biz_[ PC ] Crash Team Racing.exe
To Play Crash Team Racing, On Your PC, After 5 Seconds,
Two New Windows Will Open, 1. A Cmd Window Showing The
Emulator Progress, 2. The PS1 Emulator, With All The Settings
To Configure To Your Desired Specification,
[N.B.] To Change Tg=he Emulator Language, Follow Steps Below
Archivo-> Idioma-> (Select Language) -> Ok
Done Enjoy !!! .
DOWNLOAD HERE   < ~  By Denny Inside 

# Free Download Games Harvest Moon Back To Nature For PC Full Version

Harvest moon is a game that tells a story of a boy who would become the successor of his grandfather who had died in a village. The child should be able to keep the farm his grandfather well and also be able to socialize with the residents in the village. To do it all, he was given the opportunity by the village chief for 3 years. If the child did it so he can settle there. But otherwise if he fails then he will be expelled by the locals and will not be accepted again in the village

History Of Harvest Moon

History of Harvest Moon was first started in the SNES. Game is in Japanese named Bokojou Monogatari is directly capture the attention of gamers in Japan because gameplaynya unique and original. Only the first Harvest Moon was not known by the vast because it is released at the end of the lifetime of the SNES console. More ironically, was when he entered the U.S. in 1997 when everyone was crazy about the awesomeness Playstation.

Harvest Moon reached its heyday in the world when his first series was released for the Playstation. With the canopy Harvest Moon: Back to Nature, this game shows what appears to be very popular with the ladies (and men) in the world; a farm simulation game with a cute appearance - with the added element simulation love it! Harvest Moon: Back to Nature became one of the most successful versions in this series that makes Natsume tempted to reprint it and release it in a portable version on the GBA.

Portable concept promoted by the GBA was able to realize a world of Harvest Moon is very dynamic. GBA version of Harvest Moon is cut off slightly from the version Playstationnya (caused by the limited ability of the tiny GBA cartridge), yet it is redeemed with a seductive lure, which brings us to a farm anywhere in our pockets! Imagine: you're bored on the go without a job, and we can just plant and dating. Wandered into the world of our own farm in Mineral Town!

Gameplay of Harvest Moon is actually still the same. We are required to plant a variety of vegetables in our fields, care for our livestock, harvest, and pick up one of the 5 girls available (six if we count a special girl) as our wives. It seems boring? Make no mistake. If we are fond of simulation-type game, Harvest Moon will satisfy our needs. We are not only required to dwell in the place of our agriculture - but also to interact and socialize with a variety of characters in our city.

Initially, we may be burdened with this task and it is in our daily lives. But if we are patient and continue to establish good relations with the sprites, then within a short time we will get a lot of helpers who are ready to work for us. Having toiled in the Spring, Summer, and Fall (Autumn), then in the Winter we can reap the rewards and the fun begin and devote time to draw the attention of girls that we like. Everything is free at will!

For business graphics and sound, maybe Harvest Moon is not the foremost in its field. There is still a Golden Sun or Lunar Legends instance that has 2D graphics and 3D semi-are more qualified. After all, it does not mean the Harvest Moon has bad graphics. Almost all of the graphics from the original game - with no significant loss of quality. Voice in the Harvest Moon is a major weakness in this game. Very repetitive and boring.

Replayability in playing this game depends on ourselves. We prefer to build everything from scratch? This game has a very high replay value if so. We could keep trying new game and get the different farming conditions. Although our principle to achieve true prosperity together, we can use a variety of different variations to do so. Maybe now we want to focus on being a farmer, miner, or even catching fish rather than a farmer? Or we're bored with our wives and want to start from scratch to find another woman of your dreams? The choice is ours!

Harvest Moon Gameplay

In this game we will feel how to live my life as a farmer who should really be able to manage the farm to manage their farms. In order for agriculture that we have to survive and thrive. The first time we visited the farm. We will see there is a vast land full of weeds and stones. There also exist a small house for us to live, a chicken coop, a horse barn, a stable of cows & sheep are put together, a fish pond, water mill (to convert corn into chicken feed), a tree which, if occupied by bees then we every day can take it to the honey we eat or we sell, mailbox, bin (a box that we can use to put things that we will sell), the kennels and also during our play will be accompanied by a dog that already exists on the ground .

Before playing the first of all we must fill ourselves biographical data, provide a name for our farm, and name the dog that will accompany us during our play. After that we will be able to speak directly with the village head. He then read out the rules that we must meet for us to be farmers in the village at the same time will also take us around the village. During our tour we can figure out what buildings are there in the village and anyone who inhabit the building.

After the tour finished we are allowed to do anything on the farm that we will care. To begin we are given a small bag, money for 1500 and for farming equipment such as axes, sickles, hoes, hammers, and the sprinkler. With goods that have been given to us, we have to use my best to help us make the farm we live a good one. If we need something we can buy it or if you want to know anything we could ask our neighbors about what we want to know.

In the village we can meet all our needs. We just need to know the profession of each of our neighbors. So that when we need something we can know the place where we are going or who we will meet to facilitate the search for something we want. Because of our neighbors have different professions such as:
1. Jack, he is a man who works to buy goods from others. He lived with his father near the beach. His father would give us a little fishing if we come before 7 am on the beach and will give us a great fishing rod when a fish pond we have a lot of fish about 50 fish.

2. Gotz, he is a woodcutter who had a house near a mountain in the village. In addition it can also enlarge the house or barn, and also we can make a hothouse that we can use to plant all crops in all seasons. He stayed with the prof. louis. His house is open at 09.00 am till 5:00 pm every day except Saturday-week.

3. Lilia, she is the owner of a chicken farm. She lives with her two children namely: rick and Popuri. He suffered from a rare disease and her husband left the village to find a cure. Ranch is open from 11:00 am till 4:00 pm every day except Sunday and Wednesday. Rick every morning in front of the supermarket to help her mother shopping at the same time playing with Karen. Popuri every morning there is a waterfall and hot spring baths.

4. Barley, he is the owner of the sheep and cattle ranch. She lives with her granddaughter named may. May abandoned his parents as a child. Ranch is open at 10:00 am till 5:00 pm stiap open day except Sunday.

5. Saibara, he was a blacksmith. She lives with her grandson. His house was open at 10:00 am till 5:00 pm every day except Thursday.

6. Duke, he was a vintner and owner of vineyards. First he lived with his wife and child but now she only lives with his wife. Because his son had left the village. His house was open at 10:00 am till 5:00 pm every day except Sunday.

7. Doug, he is the owner of the inn and restaurant. He lived with his son ann. Inn is open daily at 10.00 am till 10.00 pm and at night he also opened a bar at 08.00 am till 10.00 pm.

8. Eli, is a nun. He lived with his grandmother's brother stud.

9. Karen, she was the daughter of supermarket owner. Supermarketnya open every day at 10:00 am till 5:00 pm every day he has only played in front of rumha only from 08:00 am till 10:00 and every Monday afternoon she went to the waterfall.

10. Pastor,

11. Dwarves who can help us work if there are 3 pieces love

12. Mayor. He live with a policeman and a painter.

13. Mary, he is the owner of the library and most books there is a father who writes.

In addition, each season there are many festivals, such as:

1. spring:
• new year festival
• goddess of spring festival
• cow festival
• horse racing festival
• cooking festival

2. summer:
• pool festival
• tomato festival
• chicken festival
• festival fireworks

3. autumn:
• music festival
• hot pots festival
• sheep festival
• look at the moon festival

4. winter:
• dog racing festival
• Valentine's Day
• festval see stars
• New Year's Eve festival.

Stuff above is just a small part of the game harvest moon. Because of how the game is up to you. If you can play well, then the result will be good and vice versa.

Video Trailer Harvest Moon For PC 


#Cheat Audition Ayodance PF ON OFF v.6077-v.6078

Posted by Denny Inside on Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012
#Cheat Audition Ayodance PF ON OFF v6077-v6078

Fitur : PF ON OFF , Great Hack ON OFF , Skip PIN 2nd , Hack Score

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Denny inside

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#Cheat Audition Ayodance Hack Story v.6077 By Musang

Posted by Mars Celebrity on Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

Fitur :
Clone 5 NPC , Bug Story On OFF , Time Hack
Work In Patch : v6076 - v6077

Dikarenakan DiGroup FB Saya Ada yg Request Cheat Audition Ayodance Story Hack v6076 - v6077 Maka Saya akan Meng-Sharenya di sini :)
Anda Kebingungan Saat Mendownload ?
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Password Cheat :Denny inside

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